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National Water Agency - ANA


Conception of the Critical Event Forecast System in the Paraíba do Sul River Basin and the Structural Interventions System for Mitigation of the Flood Effects on the Muriaé and Pomba Rivers Basins, consisting of two stages: a) Conception of the Critical Event Forecast System including the elaboration of a Management Plan for the quantity and quality of water in the event of accidental episodes of flooding and contamination in the Paraíba do Sul river basin. The study covered 1,800 km of river course and 55,000 km² of river basin comprised between the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo; b) Conception of the System of Structural Interventions, SISPREC - Computational System for presentation, analysis and visualization of the information generated by the models developed during the elaboration of the studies.

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