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Desenvolvimento Rodoviário S.A. - DERSA


Final Detail of the Engineering Project and Technical Follow-up of the Works (ATO) of the Northern Section of the Mário Covas Road Ring – Sub-sections 14 and 15. The implementation of the North Section concludes the Metropolitan Road Ring, which interconnects the highways that converge to the Metropolitan Region from Sao Paulo. The northern section will have an approximate extension of 44 km and will allow the interconnection with Guarulhos International Airport and the intersection with the Fernão Dias Highway (BR-381). Sub-sections 14 and 15 have a length of 9.10 and 7.93 km, respectively, consisting of two lanes of three rolling ranges plus shoreline, current works of art and special works of art totaling 20 bridges, 13 viaducts, about 3 km of tunnels and, also, four upper passages and 11 vehicular passages.

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