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Development Company of Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys - CODEVASF


Integrated Utilization Study of the Water Resources of Sertão de Pernambuco Project, for CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company, with approximately 578 km of canals, four pumping stations, three lift stations, 28 reservoirs, three special waterway crossings, 60 operational control structures, four tunnels, eight aqueducts, 18 inverted siphons and 340 water intakes. The studies were followed by the Basic Design of the Initial Segment and Complementation of the Environmental Studies of the Sertão de Pernambuco Canal, including: the main channel with 51 km of length and driving capacity of 71.3 m³ / s; four compacted soil dams; aqueducts; pumping stations; and a reservoir interconnection tunnel.

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